Family Law In The News
Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, and Your Divorce via Time. This article reminds parties that no matter your financial status it is of the upmost importance to be specific when setting forth terms in an agreement. Alimony provisions should be specific regarding payment of taxes and receipt of deductions including payments made to third parties.
In a Divorce, Who Gets Custody of Electronic Data? The Lawyersvia New York Times. A good reminder that you should assume anything you put in a text, email or on social media will show up in court. And, if you have multiple devices that sync, if you leave one device unprotected other persons may gain access to your text, email and other information that you wanted to keep private.
3 Tips For Getting Along With Your Ex-In-Laws via Pop Sugar. Great tips for getting along with your for in-laws any time of the year but especially during the holiday season.